Saturday, June 2, 2007

last words section

feel like sharing something but didnt get your chance during the last cell? here's your chance!!


Voon said...

That day Voon had his most embarrassing moment in his life...

wanyuan said...

ermm...sounds like very very weird with the word "LAST"=P
anyway, hope everyone can pass this semester with flying colours^^ thanks for the time that we passing through together (every friday nite)...having fun, joys, tears, laughters etc. which would be an unforgettable memories in our lives=)
it's great having u all as frens, who really giving the supports and encourages all the time=D hopefully we can have another BBQ or picnic again after exam hehe...

wanyuan said...

we all learn a big lesson during our last cell...which is:
hahaha...thanks debbie, you taught us a lesson=P

*jus kidding, no hard feelings gal=P

Anonymous said...

I love you all very much! Cell is be different if one of you are not there. Couldn't imagine being somewhere else than Supergeng cell!!!

For those of you who are leaving for good, know that I will always be praying for you. Wherever you are going, God will never leave you nor forsake you. Never stop serving Him and loving Him. He's all that we can hold on to for hope.

Manzy said...

id like to thank every single person in cell ^^ if not because of you guys, it would be a very silent perth for me. Chris and i will only stare at laptop if no have friends like u guys T_T huhu. thanx everyone ^^ you guys made my life colourful here ^^ thanx again for the bday presents and card! *hugs*

Choon said...

all of the above :)